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This function cleans up all diagnostics of the cbea method (from the CBEAout object) into a nice tibble::tibble()


# S3 method for CBEAout
glance(x, statistic, ...)



An object of type CBEAout


What type of diagnostic to return. Users can choose to return fit_diagnostic which returns goodness of fit statistics for the different fitted distributions (e.g. log likelihoods) while fit_comparison returns comparisons across different distributions and raw values (and data) across the 4 l-moments.


Unused, kept for consistency with generics


A tibble::tibble() summarizing diagnostic fits per set (as row)


# load the data
mod <- cbea(hmp_gingival$data, hmp_gingival$set, abund_values = "16SrRNA",
    output = "sig", distr = "norm", adj = FALSE, n_perm = 5, parametric = TRUE)
#> Warning: Taxonomic count table contains zeros,
#>             which would invalidate the log-ratio transform.
#>             Adding a pseudocount of 1e-5...
glance(mod, "fit_diagnostic")
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   set_ids     final_param  loglik    ad type          
#>   <chr>       <named list>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>         
#> 1 Aerobic     <dbl [2]>    -5302. 0.353 permuted_distr
#> 2 Anaerobic   <dbl [2]>    -5584. 1.98  permuted_distr
#> 3 F_Anaerobic <dbl [2]>    -5295. 0.190 permuted_distr